Photography Classes Survey Form Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Number of people attending Comment/Names of add'l people attendingCamera Brand and Model(If you’re not sure where to find that information, feel free to call Art’s Cameras @ 414-727-0234 and an associate can assist you!) Please let us know if you will be using your cell phone for the class.Check here if you would like to be added to Art’s FOCUS Group and Education Updates Email List! At Art’s Cameras, we offer many classes and events ranging from introductory to advanced levels. Yes, add me. Rank your topics (Grab up/down arrows and order topics)Close-up Photography (think: flowers, bugs, leaves, details!)Birds/WildlifeSunrise/Sunset/Low LightFall Colors for an October Session!Bad Weather Makes for Best Photos (can't guarantee hands-on session)If you have a preference for any other topics, please list here.