The Butterfly Garden was originally created in 1993 in hopes of attracting pollinators such as butterflies and native bees. So much habitat has been lost due to urban sprawl; it has become increasingly difficult for butterflies to find suitable plants as nectar or larval food sources. The establishment of a butterfly garden has two obvious rewards--a plethora of blooms and an array of fluttering jewels in a lovely setting.
In the early 2000s the Friends of Lapham Peak received grant money to help the volunteers expand and maintain the garden. Over 115 species of plants and flowers can be found in this beautiful and intentional space. Follow the brick path, or maybe purchase your own memorial brick to commemorate a special person or group.
Watch for native Wisconsin butterflies such as monarchs, swallowtails, painted ladies, mourning cloaks, skippers and many more.
When watching butterflies move with stealth, do not let your shadow fall on them, wait until the butterfly alights before approaching and above all, "think like a butterfly." Serach out areas that would attract them for nectaring and egg laying.
Here is a list of plant species that are known to be planted here…how many can you find?
- Allium
- American Burnet
- Aster, Arrow
- Aster, Frost
- Aster, New England
- Aster, Silky
- Aster, Sky Blue
- Aster, Smooth Blue
- Beardtongue
- Bellflower
- Bellwort
- Black-eye Susan
- Blazing Star, Dense
- Blazing Star, Meadow
- Blazing Star, Prairie
- Blazing Star, Rough
- Blue False Indigo
- Blue Sage
- Blue Vervain
- Buttercups
- Butterfly Bush
- Canadian Vetch
- Cardinal Flower
- Cinquefoil
- Compass Plant
- Coneflower, Orange
- Coneflower, Purple
- Coneflower, Pale Purple
- Coneflower, Yellow
- Coreopsis, Lanceleaf
- Coreopsis, Tall
- Creeping Thyme
- Crocus
- Culver’s Root
- Cupplant
- Daffodil
- Daylily
- False Baptisia
- Fireweed
- Gentian
- Golden Alexander
- Goldenrod, Blue Stemmed
- Goldenrod, Lanceleaf
- Goldenrod, Missouri
- Goldenrod, Silky
- Goldenrod, Showy
- Goldenrod, Stiff
- Goldenrod, Zig Zag
- Great Blue Lobelia
- Harebell
- Highbush Cranberry
- Hoary Puccoon
- Hoary Vervain
- Hyacinths
- Hydrangea
- Iris, Dwarf
- Iris, Siberian
- Ironweed
- Jacob’s Ladder
- Labrador Violet
- Leadplant
- Leopard Plant
- Lichnis
- Lilacs
- Lupine
- Mallow
- Meadow Rose
- Milkweed, Butterfly Weed
- Milkweed, Red
- Milkweed, Showy
- Mountain Mint
- New Jersey Tea
- Nodding Pink Onion
- Obedient Plant
- Oregano
- Periwinkle
- Peonies
- Phlox, Marsh
- Phlox, Tall
- Prairie Clover
- Prairie Dock
- Prairie Onion
- Prairie Shooting Star
- Prairie Smoke
- Purple Poppy Mallow
- Queen of the Prairie
- Rattlesnake Master
- Red Bee Balm
- Rose Campion
- Rose of Sharon
- Rosinweed
- Royal Catchfly
- Sedum - various
- Siberian Iris
- Sneezeweed
- Solomon’s Seal
- Spiderwort, Prairie
- Spiderwort, Western
- St. John’s Wort
- Sweet Black-eye Susan
- Sunflower, Early
- Sunflower, Ox Eye
- Sunflower, Western
- Tall Thimbleweed
- Tiger Lily
- Trumpet Vine
- Tulips
- Violet Bush Clover
- Wild Bergamot
- Wild Columbine
- Wild Geranium
- Wild Petunia
- Wild Rose
- Wild Quinine
- Wild Senna
- Yarrow
- Yucca